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Ear Acupuncture

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What is NADA

NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) developed in 1974 by psychiatrist Michael Smith and colleagues at Lincoln Hospital in South Bronx New York. 

NADA is a non-verbal method with a focus on recovery, empowerment, and personal development, which increases the benefit of the existing offers and treatment methods. 

NADA protocol involves the gentle insertion of up to five fine, single use, sterilised, stainless steel disposable needles into specific energetic points in the outer ear. The ear acts like a switchboard that sends impulses to the brain, which stimulate the release of endorphins, lowers stress and induces relaxation.

The five ear points:

(1)  Sympathetic – calms the nervous system and helps with overall relaxation.

(2)  Shen Men / “Spirit Gate” – reduces anxiety and nervousness.

(3)  Kidney Point – for calming fears and healing internal organs.

(4)  Liver Point – for detoxification, blood purification, and to quell aggression.

(5)  Lung Point – promotes aeration and helps clients let go of grief.

NADA is recovery and empowerment and not a medical or medicinal treatment. Today it can be said that NADA is an important effort to improve well-being and mental health.

NADA is a supplement to other methods and should take place before these, as for example conversations, medical treatment, coaching, mindfulness etc. will benefit from NADA.

It is therefore important to see NADA as a method that helps to stabilize the organism both physically and psychologically. NADA is not aimed at specific diagnoses but can be used in all situations where a person needs stability, better stress management (including anger, sleep problems, restlessness, anxiety, etc.), focus, better handling of emotions and cognitive functions. 

NADA is the same five acupuncture points in both ears over 45 min. with standard needles (not permanent needles) in a quiet environment. 

At Inner Balance Craniosacral Therapy, I incorporate the NADA treatment into the CST session; when you are comfortable on the massage table, I insert the needles in your ears, and they stay there for the first 45 min of your CST treatment. I then remove them, and we continue the rest of the CST treatment.

Why include NADA in your CST treatment?

Clients report a deeper sense of relaxation, and longer ongoing benefits of the treatment, when having NADA at the same time.

The method contains a meditative element. The goal is for the client to get in touch with herself and her own resources.

The NADA protocol is proven successful when integrated as part of an holistic health plan to support:

·    Post traumatic stress syndrome

·    General stress

·    Trauma recovery in communities following major catastrophes

·    Mental health

·    Anxiety management and panic disorder

·    Promotes relaxation in young people with behavioural disorders

·    Smoking cessation

·    Aiding recovery from some prescribed medication dependency

·    Helps the immune system

·    The protocol is known to have a calming effect on the central nervous system

It is intended as support in a psycho-social recovery process, usually of longer duration.

However, NADA can also be used for relief here and now, e.g., acute stress, withdrawal, anxiety or sleep problems.

There are also examples of NADA being used in terminal care. The NADA method is used in palliative care and hospice. The method is not a primary method for the relief of physical pain, but rather for anxiety, stress and the psychological process that revolves around acceptance, letting go and being clarified.

“The Spirit of NADA creates a zone of peace within
so patients can begin to experience their
own inner strengths.”  ~ Michael Smith

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